Oficina de López Ramírez (or simply “Oficina”) is the brand identity archives of
pley•ground. Here, we document (for the sake of  research and
education) all logomarks and logotypes designed by
the people of pley•ground.
Koplin Del Rio
Marine Conservation Institute
Family Safety Planning
Evolving Selves
Ferrera and Associates
Area 51
California Cartoons
Children's Cancer Hope Institute
Chicano Economics
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PG Evolve Bold
PG Biblio Sans
PG Escuela Nueva
Build Bridges Not Walls
FPS Rents
Koplin Del Rio
Marine Conservation Institute
Family Safety Planning
Evolving Selves
Ferrera and Associates
Area 51
California Cartoons
Children's Cancer Hope Institute
Chicano Economics
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PG Evolve Bold
PG Biblio Sans
PG Escuela Nueva
Build Bridges Not Walls
FPS Rents
